Just wanted to let you guys know i made a few videos... Hope it helps someone

Youtube playlist
- 1. A simple spiketrap room with chessgrid setup.
2. Spawn mummys from sarcophagus.
3. Guide a fireball with teleporters (Finished Project)
4. A dungeon shop (Original Youtube Project) (Updated project with sell-alcove, and fancy signs.)
I've written a very rudimentary tool to convert version 1 animation files to version 2, to be able to use GrimFBX output with LoG2.
you can find the tool here.
Coins (Download) - that are also used in the shop-project above.

Swinging pendulum trap (Download) - Starting feeble attempts at 3ds Max

Ball-and-Chain type trap (Download) - More 3ds Max attempts.

Here is a first version of a reworked Dark Elf Temple, originally designed by Daniv (Original version here). All objects are in there, but i've removed the skeleton warrior, and skeleton Archer. Maybe i'll redo them separately at a later time.
Dark Elf Temple Tileset - (Download)

And here is the next one, The dark temple, originally designed by Daniv (Original version here). This one was pretty similar to the one above in regards to naming of things, so it was a very fast rewrite.
Dark Temple Tileset - (Download)

Deep Dungeon Tileset - (Download)

Northern Dungeon Tileset - (Download)