As far as we know, we still don't have a plugin system for LoG 2, where scripts can be added to affect all dungeons globally; so I have provided a small room with 4 tomes for non-modders to use for respeccing by importing the party into the dungeon (but clearly this has to be done between dungeons). I am hoping some of you guys might want to include it in your dungeons.
Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =330364958
My item script is here:
Code: Select all
-- This file has been generated by Dungeon Editor 2.1.9
-- TODO: place your custom item definitions here
name = "tome_memories",
baseObject = "tome_wisdom",
components = {
class = "Item",
uiName = "Tome of Memories",
gfxIndex = 30,
description = "You feel as if the thick volume is drawing you in...perhaps to relieve your mind of its heavy burdens?",
class = "UsableItem",
sound = "level_up",
onUseItem = function(self,champion)
local skills = {}
skills[1] = "alchemy"
skills[2] = "athletics"
skills[3] = "concentration"
skills[4] = "light_weapons"
skills[5] = "heavy_weapons"
skills[6] = "missile_weapons"
skills[7] = "throwing"
skills[8] = "firearms"
skills[9] = "accuracy"
skills[10] = "critical"
skills[11] = "armors"
skills[12] = "dodge"
skills[13] = "fire_magic"
skills[14] = "air_magic"
skills[15] = "earth_magic"
skills[16] = "water_magic"
local traits = {}
traits[1] = "double_throw"
traits[2] = "improved_alchemy"
traits[3] = "bomb_expert"
traits[4] = "air_mastery"
traits[5] = "dual_wield"
traits[6] = "improved_dual_wield"
traits[7] = "earth_mastery"
traits[8] = "firearm_mastery"
traits[9] = "fire_mastery"
traits[10] = "backstab"
traits[11] = "assassin"
traits[12] = "uncanny_speed"
traits[13] = "pack_mule"
traits[14] = "piercing_arrows"
traits[15] = "light_armor_proficiency"
traits[16] = "heavy_armor_proficiency"
traits[17] = "reach"
traits[18] = "two_handed_mastery"
traits[19] = "water_mastery"
traits[20] = "meditation"
for i = 1, 16 do
champion:trainSkill(skills[i], -(champion:getSkillLevel(skills[i])))
for i = 1, 20 do
--This message is most likely mod specific
hudPrint("A more persistent wind blows through the chamber, tugging at your garments. You feel fresh and strong anew.")
return true
Known Bugs
- None, at the moment (Thanks to Skuggasvein)
Hope this is useful to somebody. I'd like to hear feedback from anyone who messes with it