download (393 MB)
What's included:
- Grimrock 1 Dungeon tileset with elevation support
- Deep Dungeon
- Northern Dungeon
- Grimrock 1 Temple tileset with elevation support
- Dark Temple
- Dark Elf Temple
- Deep Temple
- Frozen Temple
- High Temple
- High Elf Temple
- Southern Temple
- Grimrock 1 Prison tileset with elevation support
- Solaris Prison
- Phitt's Mine tileset with elevation support
- Grimrock 1 Town tileset with elevation support (and a great deal of cleanup)
- The closest thing to Grimrock 1 altar behaviour that I could get (you can turn this off)
- Phitt's Cozy Dungeons pack (tables, chairs, bookshelves)
- Germanny and BuzzJ's desk
- Grimrock 1 healing crystal
- Merethif's tapestries
- Skuggasveinn's extra secret doors
- Skuggasveinn's extra lanterns
- Skuggasveinn's extra statues
- Skuggasveinn's fountains
- LordYig's windows
- Isaac's catwalks from ORRR2
- Isaac's ornamental pillar
- Items:
- Grimrock 1 standard items
- Radar6590's Chitin and Lurker gloves
- Mutman's books
- Phitt's Mine of Malan Vael weapons
- John Wordsworth's Oriental Weapons Pack
- Some choice ORRR2 items
- Merethif's shields
- LordYig's keys, gems, and locks
- Monsters:
- Grimrock 1 standard monsters, except for the Cube
- Tursas' cultists (still need some sounds, but the gameplay side of them is finished)
- A completely overhauled, Molt-inspired magma slime thingy
- Redesigned ghostly skeletons (still need particle effects/lights)
- Completely overhauled Slugomorg with a complete set of all-new animations, a complete set of all-new sounds, and a better normal map
- Turn attacks for Goromorg, cultists, and guardians (you can turn this off)
- All models and sounds have been cleaned up with improved geometry and shading, all items have been rebalanced, and there are various new models, sounds, textures, particle systems, and objects