Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

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Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by galeza1 »

Well, here I am again posting about the timed puzzles in the game which I have set at "EASY". Here is another puzzle (the 3rd one I think) that doesn't have enough time for me to accomplish this secret. I love this game, don't get me wrong, but the timed puzzles really are set way too short for the EASY version. Please, Tech and Support, can I get the point across to anyone that maybe not all players are jacked up on coffee and Red Bull and some of us older or less able players do not have what it takes to be super speedy players. I thought EASY meant that most people would be able to finish ALL aspects of the game, not just the elite uber players.

Now that I have that off my chest, is there a way you can help me set the timing in my game to 1 or 2 seconds more like a regular human can accomplish? Please, pretty please???
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by Dr.Disaster »

The difficulty setting effects monster damage, speed and aggressiveness.
Puzzle difficulty is not effected; it is the same for everyone.

Regarding this specific puzzle: perhaps your walking path could be optimized?
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by galeza1 »

I thought I was doing so to the best of my ability. Out of the pool, slide 1 over, move back without turning around, slide 1, move back 1. But the door is always too far closed. I have tried repeated times with the same results; door closes too fast. :oops: :(
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by Batty »

Your system setup seems to affect these timed puzzles. I had a lousy gfx card (GT 630) and this puzzle took 30+ tries before I got it. I have no trouble with timed puzzles normally. I had to time the movements beyond perfect. The difference in timing that allowed me to finally make it was imperceptible.

I then put in a good gfx card (GTX 970) and not only did I do this puzzle on the first try but I made timing mistakes in the process. I would think system performance would cause everything to speed up/slow down equally but it didn't in my experience.
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by Brodie301 »

Try lowering your gfx settings to low and changing res. Also, something I did on that puzzle was press the button as I was moving the one square back. Don't turn at all, learn the pattern and go in the door with your back to it.
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by minmay »

Batty wrote:Your system setup seems to affect these timed puzzles. I had a lousy gfx card (GT 630) and this puzzle took 30+ tries before I got it. I have no trouble with timed puzzles normally. I had to time the movements beyond perfect. The difference in timing that allowed me to finally make it was imperceptible.

I then put in a good gfx card (GTX 970) and not only did I do this puzzle on the first try but I made timing mistakes in the process. I would think system performance would cause everything to speed up/slow down equally but it didn't in my experience.
Grimrock's timers don't slow down proportionally with the party/monsters/etc, yeah. And this particular "puzzle" uses an 11-second timer to close the door, so it is absolutely possible to be completely unable to reach the door if your framerate is low enough.
I think physics slowdown starts happening below 30 FPS but I'm not certain.
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by Dr.Disaster »

minmay wrote:And this particular "puzzle" uses an 11-second timer to close the door, so it is absolutely possible to be completely unable to reach the door if your framerate is low enough.
Aye this is the reason. Just tried this puzzle on my P4/GF7 combo with rendering mode "Low".
FPS drop from 32 to 8 while solving the puzzle but it's doable if done flawless.
Now when i try to record it with Fraps FPS drop further (15 to 6) which makes this puzzle unsolvable.
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by badhabit »

Batty wrote:Your system setup seems to affect these timed puzzles. I had a lousy gfx card (GT 630) and this puzzle took 30+ tries before I got it. I have no trouble with timed puzzles normally. I had to time the movements beyond perfect. The difference in timing that allowed me to finally make it was imperceptible.

I then put in a good gfx card (GTX 970) and not only did I do this puzzle on the first try but I made timing mistakes in the process. I would think system performance would cause everything to speed up/slow down equally but it didn't in my experience.
Yes, that the physics engine timing is sadly not independent of the rendering eninge is some unpleasant fact influenceing many things ("timing problems") and known since LoG1. If the engine would throw out everywhere consistent amount of FPS, this would be not that severe problem (or if the game would drop a warning to the unexpecting user when a system has not enough FPS for solving a puzzle part) :(
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by Soaponarope »

This is the only timing challenge I think that leaves no room for error and it's not necessary to complete the game. The first game had much harder timed challenges. I can understand really wanting in there though. If your fps is too low however you may be out of luck on this one, sorry.
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Re: Castle Nex Timed Underwater Button Secret

Post by galeza1 »

Thank you all for the comments. I will look at my settings. My computer is supposed to be a gaming computer. So I must have all the settings wrong. I will let you know what I find. Thanks for the input.
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