Rites of the Moon

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Rites of the Moon

Post by Spathi »

Does this..
only decrease vitality by 5 during the day and increase vitality by 5 at night, or does it make u into a werewolf or something
riddle that is suppose to help you..
Jakon Riddle's riddle.. maybe her tombstone
found next to..
haaro's grave in graveyard. (Suppose to be a riddle but I just dug there. Unless the scroll is a riddle)
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by Dr.Disaster »

This book is very dicey, think twice before using it!
The character that uses Rites of the Moon will be strengthend when the moon is up and weakend when the sun is up. This means at night a Rites of the Moon user has +25 health and +10 poison resist while during daylight he has -25 health and -10 poison resist, all based on his original vitality stat of course!
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by Spathi »

If there was/is a Toorum single character mode, then this would be useful as you could try to enter each dungeon/level at night.
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by Ribkage »

I don't think 25 hp is impactful enough to matter. My knight has 439 hp without this and only 18 vitality. I just keep the thing in storage.

Though I guess doing a single character run anything extra will help.
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by Saice »

It is vary ho hum imho.

Though you can game it once you have the watch by sleeping through the day.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by minmay »

You shouldn't need the timepiece for that. You get the message "[character name] feels strong." when night falls, and "[character name] feels weak." when the sun comes up again (and you could always just look at your vitality).
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Re: Rites of the Moon

Post by Saice »

Yes but you can use the watch to check time so you dont get weak in the middle of a fight.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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