One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

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One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by SpiderFighter »

"Official" Help Thread
"Official" Release Thread (with patch and source release information)
Komag's Blind Playthrough Thread

Purpose: To collate in one spot a list of Let's Plays and walkthroughs, so that people who are stuck in a particular area can more easily find a corresponding video. Many thanks go to these terrific authors and creators!

by Komag:
Part 1 - "The Prison" by Aaneton and "Death, Elemental" by SpiderFighter (59:06)
Part 2 - "Death, Elemental" continued (20:25)
Part 3 - "Death, Elemental" completed; exploration around the hub; "Tomb of Xanalin Moonbane" by John Wordsworth (32:32)
Part 4 - "Tomb of Xanalin Moonbane" completed; more exploration (47:24)
Part 5 - "Mahric's room" by Mahric; more exploration; "Drakkan's Room" by Drakkan; more exploration (1:26:47)
Part 6 - Exploration; "Billick's Room" by Billick; "Hall of Inversion" by Ancylus (55:36)
Part 7 - "Residence of the Archmage" by Neikun (36:02)
Part 8 - "Residence of the Archmage" completed; "jKos' room" by jKos; "Ciccipicci's room" by Ciccipicci; Condemned Area (1:37:31)
Part 9 - "Condemned Area;" re-exploring old areas; jKos' room(1:27:56)
Part 10 - Exploration and solving of Hub puzzles (23:55)
Part 11 - "The Courthouse" by Aaneton; "Might & Magic" by Ryeath Greystalk; "FMORRRTFTS" revealed! (1:59:11)
Part 12 - "Leki's Room" by Leki; "Kuningas' Room" by Kuningas; more exploration(1:24:30)

by mimmay (in Toorum Mode):
Part 1 - "The Prison" by Aaneton and "Death, Elemental" by SpiderFighter; "Tomb of Xanalin Moonbane" by John Wordsworth; "Mahric's room" by Mahric (1:24:10)
Part 2 - "Billick's Room" by Billick; "Drakkan's Room" by Drakkan; "Hall of Inversion" by Ancylus; "Residence of the Archmage" by Neikun; exploration (57:32)
Part 3 - jKos' room; aaneton's room; Ryeath Greystalk's room; Ciccipicci's room; exploration (1:06:31)
Part 4 - Hub Secrets; "Leki's Room" by Leki; (50:20)
Part 5 - Exploration; "Skuggasveinn's Room" by Skuggasveinn; The Arena; "Temporal Fugue" by msyblade (50:00)
Part 6 - "Cult of Drogna" by boyflea; "Margonon's Fall" by Xanathar; "~={Foundry}=~" by Isaac; exploration (1:43:36)
Part 7 (FINISHED) - Final Boss and Final Hub Secrets (20:38)

by MrMarbod:
Part 1 - "The Prison" by Aaneton and "Death, Elemental" by SpiderFighter (32:31)
Part 2 - "Death, Elemental" completed; exploration around the hub (24:56) / (extreme hi-def version here)
Part 3 - "Mahric's room" by Mahric (26:51)
Part 4 - "Mahric's room" completed; "Tomb of Xanalin Moonbane" by John Wordsworth (28:16)
Part 5 - "Billick's Room" by Billick; "Hall of Inversion" by Ancylus; "Residence of the Archmage" by Neikun (27:22)
Part 6 - "Residence of the Archmage" by Neikun, completed; "Drakkan's Room" by Drakkan (34:24)
Part 7 - Return to Neikun's room for missed secrets; exploration, "jKos' Room" by jKos (34:00)
Part 8 - Condemned Area (16:52)
Part 9 - Condemned Area; "jKos' Room" continued(24:25)
Part 10 - Ciccpicci's Room; "The Courthouse" by Aaneton(26:55)
Part 11 - (Note: He says it's part 2, but it's actually part 11) "Might & Magic" by Ryeath Greystalk; "FMORRRTFTS" revealed (32:16)
Part 12 - "jKos' Room" completed; "The Cube's Room" by The Cube (42:11)
Part 13 - "The Cube's Room"; "TSotP's Room" by TSotP; "Kuningas' Room" by Kuningas (22:44)
Part 14 - "Kuningas' Room" completed; Return to Aaneton's room; "Leki's Room" by Leki (30:44)
Part 15 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (36:20)
Part 16 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (30:21)
Part 17 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (27:07)
Part 18 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (41:26)
Part 19 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (53:18)
Part 20 - (I'll be updating the room breakdown later) (1:11:36)
Last edited by SpiderFighter on Thu May 01, 2014 8:02 pm, edited 38 times in total.
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2: Let's Plays and Walkthroughs

Post by JKos »

Seems like that my room is broken for some reason in this version, which version you played MrMarbod?
You should be able to mix poignant potion and Rotten human flesh and make "Rotten human flesh (poisoned)"
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by JKos »

I think I know what happened:
You tried to mix flesh and the poignant potion found from Ancylus' room, which isn't a normal poignant potion.

Edit: Yes, that 's the reason, I watched your video again and when you found that other poignant potion you didn't put it in the mortar, you put the Ancylus' potion there again. And I'm sorry that you died :lol:
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by SpiderFighter »

JKos wrote:I think I know what happened:
You tried to mix flesh and the poignant potion found from Ancylus' room, which isn't a normal poignant potion.

Edit: Yes, that 's the reason, I watched your video again and when you found that other poignant potion you didn't put it in the mortar, you put the Ancylus' potion there again. And I'm sorry that you died :lol:
I've posted this in the Developer's thread; thanks.
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by msyblade »

Turns out he (Mr Marbod) was using the numbing flask. We
made friends on skype :) i was trying to help him figure out why it wouldn't work while assuring him he has the correct solution.glad you guys figured it out
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by minmay »

My third video is up. I planned one every 24 hours, but unfortunately, with Idaho connection speeds, it takes longer than 24 hours to upload one.
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by SpiderFighter »

minmay wrote:My third video is up. I planned one every 24 hours, but unfortunately, with Idaho connection speeds, it takes longer than 24 hours to upload one.
Wow, that's some patience!
I'm having trouble uploading from Windows Live Movie Maker to YouTube since Google took over...have some Let's Plays of my own that I can't seem to upload.
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by Diarmuid »

Thanks for starting the thread, spiderfighter! The handbrake open source encoder does marvels, by the way - you should reencode stuff locally before uploading to youtube (if you don't yet).
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by SpiderFighter »

Diarmuid wrote:Thanks for starting the thread, spiderfighter! The handbrake open source encoder does marvels, by the way - you should reencode stuff locally before uploading to youtube (if you don't yet).
Thanks, I appreciate the pointer to Handbrake! I've always used WLMM to auto-encode and upload but, since Google has made all these changes to YouTube in the last year, it hits a brick wall when I try to go that route.
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Re: One Room Round Robin 2 [Let's Plays and Walkthroughs]

Post by aaneton »

Spiderfighter: mimmay part 3 links to wrongly to part 2
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