[MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

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[MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by maneus »

Hello guys, this is my Warhammer 40.000 Fan-Mod "Lucretius´s Thunder" (it´s actually work in progress).

Feel free to download the latest wip-version from here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z18ykl38 ... 9.dat/file

You can play this version (13.08.2019) from the beginning untill the start of level 12 (it will be the last level with endboss fight).

Please post some criticism or friendly words here in this thread.

Why I post this unfinished WH40k Mod? Because I need some new motivation for working further on it. :D

Here are some in-game screens:







Some points at the end:

I´ve used some models from other guys. They all will be named in the ending credits.
Many models and item-icons are made by myself because I wanted not stealing to much from other guys and moreover I´ve needed some models which are never made before.
The marines armour parts are finished except the gauntlets.
The Intro isn´t final. There is a placeholder for some pictures I will integrate in the future.
The file size of this mod of 441MB results in some songs, reachable and playable in a hidden room, and lots of new models.
There are over 300 new models done for this mod, a lot of new animations and some completely new modeled monsters.

I made this mod with a resolution of 1920x1080 and graphic settings on high.
Play with these settings if your pc can handle it. With this setting you will get the best graphic and shadow rendering results in some rooms.

Hope you enjoy it.
Last edited by maneus on Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:24 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by leewroy »

Quite impressive :)

I´d love to play, but I´m commited t Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 now. If I finish it soon, I´ll give iyours a shot and let you know ;)
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by lurker »

Meandering through this I think I uncovered a bug for you. Level 4 while in the 'warping walls' section the game crashed. Here is the error log:

Code: Select all

#script_entity_170:7: duplicated entity id
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
	#script_entity_170:7: in function <#script_entity_170:1>
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
	[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
	[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
	[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
	[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in function 'pressed'
	[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in function 'updateState'
	[string "PressurePlate.lua"]: in main chunk
	[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'moveEntity'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'setPosition'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Party.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
	[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Liking the mod so far. Quite a bit, actually. A lot of new assets and weapons. Particularly like the custom paintings and the shout outs to
Indiana Jones and Lara Croft.
Also loved the Maleficium. This is something they must incorporate into GR2!

Could use a few more monsters in the early going to keep things a little interesting.

Excellent job!
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by maneus »

Thank you lurker for finding the error. Can you tell me on what position this error came?
I´ll try to reproduce this by myself.

That there are no or not many monsters on the beginning that is because to supports the story (which will be told in the finished intro later).
The building where the marines are landed in front of and what they are infiltrate is a prison. They are on the search for a relic that could be buried inside this prison.
But the inmates and the prison director are not there anymore. Why? And where are they?
Thank you for testing and your critics and nice words so far.

*EDIT: It seems that I´ve found the bug and was able to solve it. It was a problem inside scripts. After changing the order of some lines all seems to work fine now.
In the editor the old order of the lines has worked so far as good but in the exported game not. :?

I´ve uploaded the new file and changed the link in the first post on top. Savegames should be loadable with the new file.
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by RMariano »

maneus wrote:Hello guys, I need some helping hand on my Warhammer 40.000 Fan-Mod "Lucretius´s Thunder".

Feel free to download the first test-version from here: http://www.share-online.biz/dl/21L2VI2NKXW


That´s all!

I hope somebody will read this long screed and help me to improving my WH40k mod. ;)
I'd love to try to help but that site you used wants me to BUY their downloader. It will not allow me to download your Mod with the "free" D/L'er/

You might consider trying; http://www.mediafire.com

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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by maneus »

RMariano wrote: I'd love to try to help but that site you used wants me to BUY their downloader. It will not allow me to download your Mod with the "free" D/L'er/

You might consider trying; http://www.mediafire.com
Thank you RMario for the link, but for uploading on mediafire and a long-term storage of my files I must buy an account there too. And thats not what I´ll, sorry.
Please try it at another time in free mode.
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by RMariano »

maneus wrote:
RMariano wrote: I'd love to try to help but that site you used wants me to BUY their downloader. It will not allow me to download your Mod with the "free" D/L'er/

You might consider trying; http://www.mediafire.com
Thank you RMario for the link, but for uploading on mediafire and a long-term storage of my files I must buy an account there too. And thats not what I´ll, sorry.
Please try it at another time in free mode.
I tried again for 5 minutes..... <sigh>

OK, then try GAME FRONT - http://www.gamefront.com/

Free hosting and Downloading.

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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by lurker »

Note that I didn't experience any problems downloading the file... other than it took a long time.

But, on to more critical matters, level 5... Made it to a point where there are four alcoves with four riddles and can't get past it. Here are my attempts:
Green liquid in its pure evil kind - Poigant Potion

Written words whereby the path you walk can be lighted - Any scroll, note or book

Light to escort the emperor's men to their glory - Torch

From the ground in the beginning as bright as fire and at the end as dark as heretical desire - Rock
The last one I'm least sure about.

Also earlier on in Level 5 there was
a fireball puzzle to get the fireball to hit a receptor. I did that but nothing seemed to happen.
And going way, way back to Level 2. Just wondering if there was anything I missed with
the practice room and the room with the altar and the fountain? I just figured they were ambiance, not actual puzzles, but thought I'd ask.
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by maneus »

Uploaded now on mediafire too. Link is in the first post.
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Re: [MOD] "Lucretius´s Thunder" - A WH40k Fan-mod

Post by RMariano »

Downloaded fast.... and easy. This is one excellent piece of custom work thus far.... I only have an hour in - but its good looking and smooth running.

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