[MOD] Room Escape

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[MOD] Room Escape

Post by Glew »


I just finished my first little dungeon and I would like to ask for some feedback to discover/resolve any remaining bugs or issues.

I published it today on Steam; the map's name is "Room Escape".
edit: here are the links
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =206256349
Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/grimrock/mods/357/?

Please drop by and test this short, 1 level dungeon and tell me what you think. I am mostly concerned about the puzzles being to hard or too easy to figure out, so feedback on that would be appreciated especially.

Known issues: I could not fix the known bug, that causes a crash when you throw items on altars. I know this needs some sort of short delay on the destroy() script, but I have no idea how to do it and could not find it either in the forums. Help with that is welcome too. Until then, DO NOT THROW STUFF ON ALTARS! Placing is of course okay.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Change log:
Updated the dungeon with some minor bug fixes (hopefully including the scroll text glitch). v1.02 can be found on both Steam and Nexus.
Last edited by Glew on Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by Glew »

Okay guys, I know I'm new and I am completely aware that this isn't dah bezt mod everz. But I know some of you (apparently 53 or so according to the forum statistics) took a look at this. So why not at least tell me that it's too small and too cliché to be worth the time?
Or just tell me that it's gay and I should f*ck off. Even that would be better than being thoroughly ignored. :geek: At least then I would know I should not spend too much time thinking about a new map.

I also noticed the topic in which someone complains that the community is dead and a dozen people were quick to argue the contrary. So, guys, here's the opportunity for you: if you think this place is dead, take the change to your hand and give me a reply; if you think the place isn't dead, prove it by replying. ;)

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by Sutekh »

Maybe you'd have more luck if you made the effort to post a link to your mod, instead of expecting us to sit and wait for Steam to do absolutely nothing for five minutes when we try to find it.
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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by Glew »

Oh shoot, sorry. See, I'm totally new to this. My bad. Thanks for pointing this out. Let me see if I can figure out how to get a link for it...

How could I miss that share button on Steam? Now I feel like a moron :roll: Here's the link, also in the master post:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =206256349
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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by msyblade »

Also, many of us did not purchase LoG through steam, so it is a good idea to upload it to the nexus for all non-steam users to access. ;)

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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by Glew »

Well, first I didn't think it was necessary to upload it to the nexus too. I wasn't sure this was 'worthy' enough to go there. But if you think it would prevent people from playing it... Going to add a link to the first post when I'm done. If only Nexus wouldn't hate me and freeze in the middle of the process :roll:
Edit: Added the link. Now I only hope it works fine (and that people would enjoy it).
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Re: Simple mod needs testers

Post by Glew »

Hi, there again!
So I got some feedback on Steam and I am told that the text on lots of the 'notes' spill out the sides. I have replayed the game again (not from the editor) and I experience non of this. I wonder if this is a screen resolution problem? I have a wide-screen laptop, so it might be. Any common wisdom on this?

I tried to recreate the problem, by changing both in-game and Desktop resolutions around, but all the texts still appear normal to me. Any ideas?
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Re: [MOD] Room Escape

Post by Xanathar »

Some notes with the problem are:
  • Note which starts with Go On Escape (at 15 15 3 2)
  • Note with "Aren't you a smart one" at 12 18 3 2
  • Note with "Cake at the end" @ 5 24 0 2
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Re: [MOD] Room Escape

Post by Glew »

Xanathar wrote:Some notes with the problem are:
  • Note which starts with Go On Escape (at 15 15 3 2)
  • Note with "Aren't you a smart one" at 12 18 3 2
  • Note with "Cake at the end" @ 5 24 0 2
Thanks for testing and for the specified feedback. Upon testing, those seemed like potentially problematic to me too, but I wasn't sure. However now I know. Going to fix them.

Fixed now (hopefully).
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Re: [MOD] Room Escape

Post by Duke45 »

I finished the Mod. The first time, I didn't find the secret level but will find it the second time around. I liked the dungeon and had several clever puzzles. The exploding scroll was nice. Thanks for making it.

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