first of all i want to thank everyone for the effort to making Mods and sharing their knowledge with the community.
Well, i am a littlebit new to LoG but not to Dungeon-Crawling games at all.
To be precise, I know Dungeon-Crawling games since C64 and Bardstale (yeah not DM was the first Dungeon-Crawling game

When I heard about LoG, I gone crazy, because I loved to see that so many years after nothing really special was released to the Dungeon-Crawling Genre and even I thought it would never come alive again. But then i heard of LoG and after a short playtime, i loved it. It is such a great thing to see after so many years a game like this.
Furthermore, after first playing through the maingame and trying out few mods for this great Game, i went to my cellar to look through my (very very old) scriptings/playthroughs/notices/handdrawn Maps about earlier played Dungeon-Crawling-Games. Well, after i looked here in the LoG Forums, steam and Grimrock-Nexus, i have seen also that most of the worthwile Games to make a Mod are already be modded by someone else (or is in progress).

But one Game I loved to play is not known very well, and i think this is because of the fact, that the first two Levels in the Temple/Crypt to the beginning was for the most people little to challenging (1992 at all). But i know it isnt, because i played many times through this game, the only thing is, that you dont have to rush through the first two levels. After that said, the game was really very nice to play, to those, who were passion and careful enough.
The game i mean is Abandoned Places 2, and it is kind a sort of another game called "Knightmare".
Abandoned Places already has good and deep dungeons as well as an overland Map (like Lands of Lore i.e). And the game has more Story in it unlike other Dungeon-Crawler like DM, even it plays very similar.
First I want to Show you the original Cover-Pics of this game, so that the ones out there, who dont know this game very well, become an idea, what kind of game AP2 was.

And last but not least an Amiga-Screenshot of the Interface from the original Game:

As you can see, the game was a typically Dungeon-Crawler Game for this time (1992).
Back to the beginning of my posting, i looked in my cellar for the Maps of this game, and like any other treasure (hehe) it was untouched for now 20 Years. I wanna show you the Handwritten first Dungeon-Map of this game, so you can see, that it fits very well to the Editor of LoG. And in fact, i have allready finished modding the first level of this game.
By the way, dont worry about the language on the handwritten Dungeon-Map, the Mod itself is in english. The Game itself was Multilanguage at the release.

This Level (already moded) looks something like this in the editor:

About the Mod: I want to thank the community for sharing their knowledge, scriptcodes, mods, Tile-Sets, 3d-Models and evrything you can imagine. I used many of the shared stuff for this Mod, and also i am waiting for the Forest-Tileset, beacause my mod needs an Outdoor-Tileset. AP2 has Outdoor and (very deep) Dwarven-Mines as well as an very high Wizards-Tower, Crypts and so on.
I will inform you from time to time about the Mod here in the Forums, and when finished, i will share it through the Workshop of Steam AND Grimrock-Nexus!
However, my AP2-mod still needs few things, like the Forest-Tileset. And i must figure out little things like, how to change the Party-Direction, after teleporting to another Level (I have to use the Teleport/Stairs combination because unlike Grimrock AP2 havent a sequently DungeonLevel-order and also not have the same square when going up or down in a dungeon). I anyone knows the correct syntax for how to use the onEnterLevel when teleporting the party to another level, i would be grateful when he/she shares it with me, because i didnt find much about it in the Forums, and also i didnt figure the use by my self till know.
And the Mod needs some Burning Floor Tiles wich burns the party when walking on it. The Waterfields (wich makes the same, unless it makes cold-damge instead of Fire damage) i have managed already. I used the flooded dungeon tileset for this and i implemented even the needed sounds when walking in water.

Someone with modeling skills should make a floor-draining tile maybe with coming out flames when walked on. I think the rest i could manage by my self.

And maybe a few spells like "Levitate" for avoiding fire and cold damage if used before walking on this fields.
Erm, yeah, and create fodd. Has anyone written a custom spell (for castlevel 3-5 wood be nice

And again, i want to thank 'Almost Human' for this great game and great editor, it is such a nice thing to play (and modding) Dungeon-Crawler games again.
lg Wanderer