There is an existing mod uploaded to steam workshop by DJ (author1). I was later added as coauthor (author2). I've made some changes and would like to upload new version of the mod. How do I do that?
I opened the mod in dungeon editor, and clicked "Publish to workshop...". Steam Worshop Mod Manager window opens, but it is empty with "Updated Mod" grayed out. The only available choices are "Publish New Mod" and "Cancel". Am I doing something wrong? Is it even possible to upload updated version by a second author?
When I go to my workshop in steam, I can see this mod in items in my workshop and I'm listed as author.
Details: I'm trying to update EOB1: Waterdeep sewers mod. Steam link: ... d=95933537. Other links are in my signature.
Uploading a mod on steam as co-author
Re: Uploading a mod on steam as co-author
Hmm. I'm thinking it may not be possible as Steam Workshop is handled by one account per file.
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Re: Uploading a mod on steam as co-author
Hmmm. I have co-author status on this particular mod, so steam allows multiple authors. Perhaps dungeon editor does not have such capability implementedNeikun wrote:Hmm. I'm thinking it may not be possible as Steam Workshop is handled by one account per file.

Re: Uploading a mod on steam as co-author
thomson wrote:Hmmm. I have co-author status on this particular mod, so steam allows multiple authors. Perhaps dungeon editor does not have such capability implementedNeikun wrote:Hmm. I'm thinking it may not be possible as Steam Workshop is handled by one account per file.
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