Version v3.0 Released (March.30, 2014)!
Germanny´s Dungeon Master Wallset v 3.0 -- Modding resource, wallset with items included.
DL: The Dungeon Master Wallset v 1.0 to v 3.0 at Grimrock Nexus
Listing of assets in the pack are included in the pdf manual download version 3.0!
Germannys Dungeon Master and Custom Assets -- a collection of items and weapons, mainly Dungeon Master rebuilds
DL: Germannys Dungeon Master and Custom Assets at Grimrock Nexus
Included in the DM wallset, dont use together.
Grimrock Bed -- a clean bed defined as altar
DL: The Grimrock Bed at Grimrock Nexus
Included in the DM wallset, dont use together.
Grimrock Round Table -- a simple round table, very lowpoly
DL: The Grimrock Round Table at Grimrock Nexus
Included in the DM wallset.
Grimrock Square Table -- a a cool square table, as altar object
DL: The Grimrock Square Table at Grimrock Nexus
Included in the DM wallset.
Germannys Carpets -- Some carpets for Grimrock
DL: Carpet models at Grimrock Nexus
Included in the DM wallset.
Buzzj´s desk textured -- Desk for Grimrock
DL: Desk model at Grimrock Nexus