[MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by MostlyHarmless »

Ken_Tucky wrote:Some help, please?
I was able to step back 2 from the wall hiding the ogre (to trigger it) and then immediately step forward 2 and sidestep the ogre. I then ran into a corridor where I could sideswipe him as he charged and throw rocks and stuff at him (no fireball yet at that point) - it was slow. Make sure your party isn't encumbered before triggering the ogre encounter and also maybe set you render setting to Low (assuming it's on High). I think some of the timed puzzles are easier with Low render settings on my computer at least.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

I'm playing thru v1.00 now with a rogue and noted that the Book of Wizardry still robs a character of his initial skill points.
Dr.Disaster wrote:wait .. i see a small bug with it: the character that is turned into a mage can only reassign his collected lvl-up points; 4x (level-1). It seems he looses all his initial skill points given by the creation process. Should be easy to correct by adding skill points based on "Champion:getRace()" and "Champion:hasTrait(“skilled”)".
Hope you can add in a fix; losing up to 7 skill points is pretty massive.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

MostlyHarmless wrote:
Ken_Tucky wrote:Some help, please?
I was able to step back 2 from the wall hiding the ogre (to trigger it) and then immediately step forward 2 and sidestep the ogre. I then ran into a corridor where I could sideswipe him as he charged and throw rocks and stuff at him (no fireball yet at that point) - it was slow. Make sure your party isn't encumbered before triggering the ogre encounter and also maybe set you render setting to Low (assuming it's on High). I think some of the timed puzzles are easier with Low render settings on my computer at least.
A word of advice: you don't have to fight the ogre at this point.
If you can't perform the side-step for whatever reason, skip him and return when you finished the rest of level 6 and 7.

The side-step is done as MostlyHarmless said. Face the wall the ogre sits behind. Now tap "S" twice, "W" twice and "A" once WITHOUT a break or waiting; the LoG engine will follow. If all worked well you'll be standing beside the ogre, ready to lead him into the circle.
MostlyHarmless wrote:
Dr.Disaster wrote:
MostlyHarmless wrote:well, i'm stuck on level 11. found the 5 blue gems and put them in place, but nothing happened. got 39/74 secrets (including lock picks, but no skulls for my minotaur so far). i failed to open the doors at the bottom (south) of the ghosts level or find a proper way back up or further down aside from pitfalls. (see pic for details).
Can't see why you are stuck.

With all 5 gems in their sockets all you need to do is make sense of
- the not teleporting teleport fields they activated
- the demon riddle beside the twin doors in the south of the area
- that lone pressure plate in front of those twin doors

You should have everything needed to continue by now which includes a capable mage.
Did you try throwing things and/or spells into those teleport fields?
i started to play another mod - Demiosis Domain, although now that got super difficult too once i ran into Demiosis himself (and in general i find that mod harder than other mods I've played). i'll return to the Gothmog's curse later - I tried various things with the pressure plate, teleports and demonhead on the wall of course but obviously failed. i tried to get a ghost to shoot fire and poison bolts at the demonhead and also into the receptacle near it (but maybe i only managed to get them to shoot firebolts into it), killed ghosts in front of it, and tried shooting it with fire myself and maybe lightning bolts (not sure anymore). same with teleports, and also threw ash piles (?) at them. i thought since the Zo spell required 5 in Air magic (as opposed to spellcraft), then maybe I'd need to use Shock for something, but obviously no luck... And with the pressure plate i tried to get a critter to stand on it and also triggered it myself and then ran to various directions to see if anything opened or activated, and also ran through the 3 doorways that are in open areas, but basically got tired of trying stuff since nothing seemed to work. i'll give it more tries sometime later.
The Zo Spell is part of this puzzle's solution but you already used it to reach the last gem socket.
Now there is another ranged spell that only a mage can perform; try that one next.

Aye Demiosis Domain is pretty tough. In minmay's walk-thru videos the mod looks more like a walk in the park but that's because he knows exactly what to expect when and where.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

It seems one of the new v1.00 secrets on the lower floors does not register right with LoG's statistics.
I once wondered why there was no "Ding" sound as usual but i don't recall where it was exactly.

These show my party climbing into a secret from floor 9 to 8:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =299672971
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =299673075

In case you wonder: there are no other characters.
The rogue does all the hard work while the pure support mage only dallies along for the DM-specific spells and potion making.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

3rd play-thru complete with all secrets found.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =300158275

The bags contain all treasures and the remaining gems.
One chest holds some random gear to swap in on occasion.
The other two chests are filled with dragon steaks for a huge barbeque.
(on my way back out i could have filled at least another one)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =300158424

One secret failed to register to LoG stat; was prolly on floor 13 or below.
Located the error: it's on floor 14.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =300158548
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =300160392

All the add-ons since 0.91 are very nice including some pretty tricky new secrets.
Advice for a very late secret: do not spend all your money early
Last edited by Dr.Disaster on Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by hansbleeb »

i am stuck on level 7, crossroads.
i close the pit, but the hidden pit before the closed pit stays open..
i found another qay trough the wall but there is another hidden pit..
and the rope says.. there must be an open pit in front of you...
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

hansbleeb wrote:i am stuck on level 7, crossroads.
i close the pit, but the hidden pit before the closed pit stays open..
i found another qay trough the wall but there is another hidden pit..
and the rope says.. there must be an open pit in front of you...
Aye, the rope works only for open visible pits.

Since you already found how to close the visible pit and to bypass the 1st hidden pit it should not be too rough anymore.
To close the 2nd hidden pit in front of the gate activate the pressure plates and find/press the button they reveal.
This is a multi-floor puzzle.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by hansbleeb »

thanks, i activate the plate with some height and one hidden pit is closed.. but now i have the same problem on level 8.
i close the hidden pit to throw a stone trough the corridor but later on in the corridor i teleported back to the hidden pit that is opened again...
can you clime up a pit with the rope??
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by Dr.Disaster »

hansbleeb wrote:.. but now i have the same problem on level 8. i close the hidden pit to throw a stone trough the corridor but later on in the corridor i teleported back to the hidden pit that is opened again...
You could not close this pit because it was already closed.
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Re: [MOD] The Curse of Gothmog

Post by hansbleeb »

i leave the point on level 8 and going down.. after finishing level 13 and the dragon,s cave i am stuck at level 9 going down for the last key..

http://s137.photobucket.com/user/bliepe ... s.jpg.html
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