thanks komag!!
This Puzzle is very hard for me i had testet two hours and nothing.
Destert Tunnel entrance!! Hallways-
I am very hurry and i come not in the open open door always closed very hurry for me. ( in the original game was a teleporter and now a button-with the butten is very difficult)
To enter the Deserted Tunnels, you'll need to solve a puzzle. First, equip a throwing item (the Rock found in the hallway nearby will do the job), and stand near the lever. Flip it, opening the door but also shutting a gate in front of you. Quickly, run in sight of the floor switch and throw your object at it, which will open the gate. From there, run into the open door before it closes again. It might take you a few tries to get the timing down.
Note that if you hold the floor switch down and throw the lever on the wall, a secret room near the floor switch will be revealed. It's not a secret, but rather contains a message - "your feet may never carry you here hastily enough" - which is a clue about needing to throw an object instead.
i running to the open iron gate is open now, i going trough the iron door (complete open)and the last wooden door i come not in( ,always closed bevore i going in.