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Post by Leki »

EDIT: Tue Jun 05, 2014 11:52 pm


Remember it's beta version of skeleton and coffin - it works without issues, as far I know, but without guarantee.
You can ask for help here or just solve potential issues by yourself:
1) Read comments in script definition in plugin folder.
2) Read Smart monster tutorial for more info: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6563#p69337
If you have optimized and improved solution (remove flickering on frame 2 event etc), just share it. You can modify what you want etc, as allways.
Remember - this version is "DM" one - with Germany's shield and falchion, so don't forget to say thank's to him as well.

Open Spoiler for more details:
Ok, it's time to share some progress in this case. In the end I found some solution, how to achieve the goal.
Animation set is not 100% ready yet and I will polish it a bit, particles and monster definitions in general as well, so it will take few days until it will be available - but it's already ok for short presentation I guess :roll:
What you can see on the video:
- breakable coffin with undead skeleton inside
- raised skeleton can walk out of the coffin
- he can fight in front of the coffin or push party attacking by shield one cell back
- then he can follow the party and fight
- opened coffin is still blockade, but it can be destroyed to the pieces
- there is no performance issues - you can open as many coffins as you want
- skeleton can step out from coffin and there is no corrner collision, you can see 2 of them in one cell :twisted:
- there is no script errors or warnings, no print empty lines in console and stuff like that
- coffin with skeleton is pulugin, you NO NEED to write any line of script in editor, you no need frameworks etc --> just add coffin in your dungeon like any other monster/custom object


So what next?
- I'm thinking about the Necromancer/Lich - he will be able to raise skeleton from coffins, so he is good candidate for some boss fights (but you can use goromorg for that I guess - it's so easy...)
- Next one can be a ninja warrior with ability to jump over the pits and doing similiar acrobatics tricks, using counterattacks and stuff like that and with ability to throw shurikens from the distance and use ninjato and kicks in close combat.
- Or Spider Queen - a monster 3x4 cell size big, with hitzones and special abilities like spiderweb shooting, you need to cast "Free move" spells etc.
Or maybe smth else... Let me know what you like more :roll:
Last edited by Leki on Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:37 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by BuzzJ »

chain merged with rock
red icon on coffin

can't see any secret buttons on the walls. nice walls though.
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by maneus »

coffin on the left side into the stone
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by Dr.Disaster »

I'm not that certain that the wall on the left hand side is a wall .. seems more like a crude stone creature to me

Beside that i see the obvious things: intersection with a gate ahead and the wooden rack plus wooden coffin with some marking on it, the well-known decorative chain on the right hand rock wall
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by minmay »

...okay, that's probably just the shadow.
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by JKos »

Did you use monster models as a base of those walls? Part of the wall on the left could be a leg of the ogre and part of the ceiling looks like a body of the herder.
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by Leki »

...hehe, can you translate what the rune says?
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by JKos »

Life and death?

Edit: Living dead? You made a vampire?
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by Leki »

Hmm... There must be something dangerous inside I guess... :roll:
Last edited by Leki on Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ASSET] - Surprise by Leki

Post by pulpum »

gooooorgeous. as always! ;)
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