- Simplified setup - no need to update MAXLEVELS anymore
- Requires latest version of LoG
- Allows for dynamic creation of chests (see readme.txt)
- Simplified chest declaration (not all fields are required, removed "activate" function in chests)
Update 21-Nov-2012 - Version 1.3
- SharinaDarkstar's bug is fixed (I hope
- Has the option to use the darker version of the chest with the textures from germanny (a new kind of object called "treasure_chest_dark")
- Has proper floor props (for the 3 basic wallsets, any extra wallset is up to you to provide
) so that you can put the chest on normal floors and not drainages - chest_floor_dungeon, chest_floor_prison, chest_floor_temple
Update 14-Nov-2012 - Mod updated to version 1.2
Version released on Nexus: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/108/
- Trapped chests
- Locked chests
- Mimics
[*] If a chest is broke-open, with a custom chance contained items may break[/list]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0g6YC6i ... e=youtu.be
It opens/closes by clicking on its lock.
Still has no items, but probably is the least of the problems - tomorrow I'll try to play some tricks for that.
Credits: model taken from http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/FreeSt ... Chest.html
How it's done:
currently it's a.. PIT! with an invisible model. The animated chest is really the pit trap-door. The clicking is done by a transparent, alpha tested, chest configured as a button which overlaps with the pit.