Possible bug. Casting a spell restores hunger?

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Re: Possible bug. Casting a spell restores hunger?

Post by badhabit »

Ratha wrote:but encouraging grindy behavior (spam spells to increase your hunger satiation) seems like the wrong kind of direction to take gameplay. Users will exploit that
I agree this is clearly a bug and needs to be fixed.
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Re: Possible bug. Casting a spell restores hunger?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

To be fair, if I recall - the bar just twitches up a tiny bit when you cast a spell (it doesn't go up very far). I would say that casting a bunch of spells and then sleeping to get your mana back would probably not be efficient food wise (especially if you don't have 4 mages in the group). As such, I don't think it's particularly bothersome.
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