Feel free to add bugs with description and explanation how to reproduce (best are save games, if a bugs is hard or too time consuming to reproduce).
Some vanilla bugs:
- Mages should be able punch with fist or should be not allowed to select unarmed trait viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4561
- Headhunter trait don't work with skulls put into container viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4494
- if a killing strike comes by poison cloud, no exp is granted (maybe also no loot drop) viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4494
- moving backwards and using magic can hit yourself (FPS/timing related?) viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5014
- Below 30 fps allows arrows to pass walls. Confirmed by Antti as timing bug viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5780
- throwing things on closed secret doors is possible while the same is not possible on real walls. can be exploited for finding secret doors (my suggestion here would be to allow always throwing)
- spell casting increases food bar viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5515
- Throwed throwing weapons landing (in a fight) on a pressure plates are not auto picked up. No idea for a perfect solution as sometimes (seldom) you want that behaviour. Maybe "no auto pickup" if directly thrown or placed on floor from cursor hand and "always auto pick-up" if
thrown from the parties hands. Or just make a button (per prisoner?) for switching auto-pickup on/off to give control for the seldom cases. - Enhanced arrows are not auto-pickuped, autopickup is lost on weapon switch..etc etc viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6399
- Objects hold in hand/cursor have no weight (leads also to "burden status" anomalies and exploit possibilites) -> the (last) selected character (indicated by lighted frame) should carry the weight, the one who gets already the cooldown on throwning from cursor.(viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2198, viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2007&p=23324&hilit=bug#p23277)
- Thrown objects from cursor do a weight independent fixed damage -> a thrown sword or wooden box or paper note(!) do the same damage. Throwing range seems to weight dependent maybe you can reuse this code.
- Damage indicating blood splashes hidding the health and mana-bar almost complettly, so in a continous damage situation (poison-cloud) you can't see the health status -> damage splash should be smaller/shifted/transparent or maybe on the portrait instead
- delayed damage indication problem on the mage if the rune-menu is open) [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/286zwnq.png[/img]
- potions can't be drunk if put in left or right hand (right mouse-click) also not if hold in cursor, only with open inventory.
- outresting poison bug
- if you play in windowed mode, the close character screen "X"-button is to near to the close Grimrock application X-button. There are several reports of people mis-clicking in critical situations, this becomes a problem as LoG instantly closes without additional check (e.g. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1018&hilit=windowed+mode). LoG should pause and have a additional check window: "Really want to close LoG without saving?" and/or the prisoner name and the buttons on the prisoner window should change places.
- Some container in container combinations are not working e.g. putting a bag into a wooden box (But putting the mortar into a bag works viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4625#p48663)
- option menu is not scrollable and in case of resolution mis-configuration/mis-detection parts are not accessible* (e.g. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4649#p48764 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4456&start=50#p47129 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4914) seems to be related to the scaling formula which didn't take multiple monitors into account and also fails on valid windowed resolutions which are greater than physical resolutions
* dirty fix, bound the return key to apply; quickfix, please make the menu scrollable (like the load/save menu); correct solution auto-scale it correctly aka resolution independend rendering - in general, still some problems in scaling of fonts, objects & widget-elements in high (and very-low) resolutions. LoG's graphic rendering should be resolution independent, and not just work acceptable in a small range of resolutions. (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2236) Come on guys, there are not many cases missing, fix it and your former demo-scene fellows can be proud of you again
- Bugs (and fixes) from Komag's truthful LOG1 remake (lsit in first post)
- graphical glitch: shine through on ceilings which allows easy finding of some secret doors (exploit). (CaspianRoach viewtopic.php?f=12&t=778&p=8809&hilit=secrets+bug#p8769) And another graphical glitch, light crawls around corners. [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/im7ynn.jpg[/img][img]http://i50.tinypic.com/1op1kw.jpg[/img]
- When Toorum is imported into a custom dungeon, he doesn't keep his fast movement. The 'thunderstruck' trait is still listed on the character info, but he doesn't get the movement speed boost.
- in some linux setups the stencil buffer fails with GL_STENCIL_BITS: 0
- in some linux setups you can't enter text
Fixed in 1.3.7:
- some MAC setups missing the menu widgets (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4838)
- startup takes significantly longer (seems to hang on some detection which needs to time out?)
- switching to low Rendering quality while in-game crashes sometimes on re-init (reproduced with multiple switches between high and low mode (ressource leak?), instant crash for graphic cards without OpenGL 2.1) (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4611)
- the new low quality render mode which effectivly limites max.-lightsource number seems to not select the most important light sources (e.g. the one close to the party before the one farer away and the one in front of party instead of the one in the back), also it would be preferable if max.-lightsource amount could be fine-tuned by CFG
new 1.3.7 bugs:
- none known up to now