Shadows and SSAO settings do not affect my framerate at all. The only way I can get more than 30 FPS is to set rendering quality to low.Dr.Disaster wrote:
Reason 1: system performance
Right now we can say that this bug happens the more likely the lower the used systems specs are in regards of GPU. As a matter of fact i had to slow down my XP PC's 7 year old AGP GF7600 GT to the max to experience this bug. As a comparison: an Intel HD 3000 GPU about 50% more rendering power and ali1234's GT 240 is more then three times as powerfull. Still my GF7600 GT can run LoG between 35 and 55 FPS by two simple settings and still look great: the most demanding gfx stuff is set to "low" (shadows) respectivly "off" (SSAO).
BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
Really? If that holds true then there is something fishy going on with your gfx driver.ali1234 wrote:Shadows and SSAO settings do not affect my framerate at all. The only way I can get more than 30 FPS is to set rendering quality to low.
Switching shadow quality between Low and High on my GF7600 produces a difference of up to 10 FPS and switching SSAO between Off and High can make a difference of 20+ FPS. Combining both options can bring LoG from 50 FPS down to 15 on the spot. That's all in high rendering of course; by switching to low rendering mode LoG never goes below 45 FPS anywhere!
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
What resolution are you running? I can get 60 FPS with high graphics, low shadows, SSAO off, if I drop resolution down to 1280x1024.
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
Alright, thanks everyone for testing! Yeah, the framerate seems like the major variable in here. If the framerate is low, the arrow travels a longer distance between each frame and that way it can probably penetrate the wall just enough to hit the bounding box of the monster during the same frame it entered the wall.
This is likely due to vertical sync: if your framerate is somewhere in between 30 and 60fps, vsync will try to cap it to 30. If you want to see how big of an impact a graphical setting has on performance, you might want to test it without vsync.ali1234 wrote: Shadows and SSAO settings do not affect my framerate at all. The only way I can get more than 30 FPS is to set rendering quality to low.
Steven Seagal of gaming industry
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
Bad coder, no twinkie!antti wrote:If the framerate is low, the arrow travels a longer distance between each frame
Reminder: moderators (green names) don't work for almost human. | - My schtuphh..
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
1280x1024 is the native resolution of the display attached to my GF 7600, so it can't go higher.ali1234 wrote:What resolution are you running? I can get 60 FPS with high graphics, low shadows, SSAO off, if I drop resolution down to 1280x1024.
Fullscreen and Triple-Buffer settings are in use too.
High rendering with everything high beside shadows on low and ssao off produces 30 to 55 FPS anywhere.
Low rendering high texture gives 50+ to 60 FPS with rare ditches below 50 here and there.
I might add that all Antialias settings inside the nVidia driver are set to be application-driven and any gfx optimisations are set to off.
That also would explain why arrows fired at a wall are not droped closest to the wall but i.e. in the middle of the tite.antti wrote:Alright, thanks everyone for testing! Yeah, the framerate seems like the major variable in here. If the framerate is low, the arrow travels a longer distance between each frame and that way it can probably penetrate the wall just enough to hit the bounding box of the monster during the same frame it entered the wall.
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
Well, when LoG2 keeps overall script compatiblity to LoG1, like indicated in this thread by Antti, Komag's truthful LoG1 remake using only(?) scripting possibilities could be indeed maybe ported with minimal hassle to the LOG2 engine and could act as engine update and "patch" ...antti wrote:It's doubtful.badhabit wrote:I see. Do you consider eventually a "backport" of LoG 1 to the LoG 2 engine later after the LOG2 release, for bugfixing purposes?antti wrote:Oh, cool. Nice find!
The odds are that we won't fix this for Grimrock 1 but we'll make sure this bug won't slip into Grimrock 2.
Edit: oh, actually I couldn't reproduce the bug on my computer using your save game. How's your framerate? It's possible that a low framerate could make these kinds of bugs pop up more easily.There's already a lot of "incompatibilities" between 1 and 2 so that updating LoG1 would be cumbersome.
But if you just want a LoG2-style experience in the LoG1 dungeon, I'm sure there will be a mod or two which will replicate the original dungeon.
Re: BUG: With double shot, you can shoot through some walls.
I don't like twinkies anyway!Sol_HSA wrote:Bad coder, no twinkie!antti wrote:If the framerate is low, the arrow travels a longer distance between each frame