We are currently trying to focus working on new stuff but we'll fix critical bugs, like crashes or game breaking bugs that could affect many players, when they appear.
petri wrote:We are currently trying to focus working on new stuff but we'll fix critical bugs, like crashes or game breaking bugs that could affect many players, when they appear.
Fair enough, thanks for feedback.
As many of these bugs should be easily fixable I'm confident you will find some time-windows in future. Also, some of them should influence your new secret work too (if based one the Grimrock-Engine, what the screenshots indicating). cheers
ocapacha wrote:I purchased the Linux version of the game today and, I can't enter any text during the game. I thought this bug should have been fixed long ago?!?!? Any update when this will happen?
Hi, we're currently testing a patch for the Linux version. It should be out in a week.
ocapacha wrote:I purchased the Linux version of the game today and, I can't enter any text during the game. I thought this bug should have been fixed long ago?!?!? Any update when this will happen?
Hi, we're currently testing a patch for the Linux version. It should be out in a week.
Also, antti confimed that most likely the LOG1 dungeon will be not ported to the updated LOG2 engine for bug fix purposes. Was also sounding like there will be no new patch at all (at least not in the forseeable future). :/
Maybe also the reason for the reports of people hitting themselves with spells.
If people hit themselfs with spells they do so by running into their own spells path of traveling. The tile the party is on in the moment the spell casting completes will be the origin of the spell thus people can hit themself by moving backwards during spell casting. Also moving forward right after casting results into hitting yourself.
The reason why this is possible is that all spells travel only slighty faster then a regular party walks so all the party needs is a headstart and it gets hit. Toorum walks even faster then spells travel so he's in constant danger to run into his own spells by overtaking them.
This can not be reproduced with throwing weapons or fired arros/bolts because they all travel at least as fast as Toorum walks.