I found some great portraits from a really old graphical MUD I used to play so I figured I'd post here for you guys (and girls) who might be looking for some nice portraits to use (or "borrow") for your Legend of Grimrock characters

I'm not quite sure the legality of it but I think it's fine to use for for personal use only as long as you don't distribute it. I thought about resizing/converting them all and uploading it for you guys to conveniently drag+drop into game folder, but that would fall under the modifying and redistributing category which is a line I won't cross.
1. Download this zip file here (don't worry it won't burn down your house, It's just a zip with a bunch of folders containing JPG images)
2. Extract the zip file, then browse the "NPCS" folder (there's over 900 character face pictures here) and pick out some you like.
3. Then open the ones you like with an image editor like Paint.NET, GIMP, or Photoshop. Resize it to 140x140 res and then save (or export) as a .tga file, then place in C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Portraits and they will be available to import when creating a new party. If you need more detailed instructions on how to resize/convert, I can make a quick guide if people ask.
If you liked this, a simple thanks would be awesome and motivate me to find more cool stuff for you guys

Mods: Sorry if this is not allowed, just delete if this is against the rules. I just wanted to share this so others can enhance their gaming experience (Personally, I can't get into a game unless I like how my characters look and, while the default portraits aren't bad, it's always good to have more options). Even if they're copyrighted, it's not like we're distributing and profiting off them so I think it's a legal gray-area. Plus, the zip file is directly from the author's website unmodified, so they're plainly available to anyone. If there is an issue with this, I guess I can ask the author if it's okay for people to use for personal use, but I don't see there being a problem.