I see the bag which goes from cell to cell depending on how many times you push the buttons. I have not been able to get to the bag as yet. It's something like this: ___ C__ C__C__ T X X X X X X H -----C----C---C---- T - teleporter C - cells X - dungeon tile H - hidden teleport You need to press bu...
A) No need. You can access area below through the pit to the south from pit 1. B) Closes the pit 2 squares to the south so you can press the button on the south wall of the pillar (you need to get a torch from the wall to the north first - this action closes one of the pits to the east). C) Fighter...
1. There are hidden stairs form level 6 to level 5. Is there any way to open a gate on level 5 near those stairs guarded by two fire monsters? (gate blocks access to the rest of level 5). 2. After reaching level 5 gate closes and you are trapped but after some time I noticed it's open again. What i...