anyway, it is used
to forge an epic heavy weapon. you need to put it on the forge on the bottom level of the crystal mine
Damn, that's exactly what i did, but since i didn't hear any tomb-door-opening sound I thought i got it wrong...Find the room they go to and put them on the sarcophagus laying flat
Read the notes for either weapon and note how many people they were buried with
I looked everywhere, tried using the want and the weapons on tombs... i found a note on one of the tombs in another room. what are you suppose to do with the weapons?It has to do with the weapons, read the notes carefully and look at the surrounding rooms.
anyone know where this map is? I've cleared the entire sewers and the only spot i cant get into is that room with the chest.
There is yet another hidden switch, where the running spikes are at. it's on the wall close to the ladder. careful not to touch the spikes!I however have not been able to figure out the secret to getting to that Wizard's Hat