Search found 29 matches

by zajoman
Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:04 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Level (dungeon) Design Contest - Fatbot Games (Vaporum)
Replies: 6
Views: 12648

Re: Level (dungeon) Design Contest - Fatbot Games (Vaporum)

@Isaac Traps, switches, interactives, monster and treasure placement, all laid out in rooms and hallways, along with a text file describing a typical playthrough is exactly what we want. Please refer to this document , especially the example section at the bottom for a clearer picture of what we want.
by zajoman
Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:55 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Level (dungeon) Design Contest - Fatbot Games (Vaporum)
Replies: 6
Views: 12648

Re: Level (dungeon) Design Contest - Fatbot Games (Vaporum)

Hey, guys! Just to clear some confusion: You do not need Grid Cartographer to be able to send us your submission. Vaporum does not have a level editor. You can send us your level design in an image format (PNG), which can either be a photo of your pen & paper design or an export from an image ed...
by zajoman
Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:55 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

It might not be specific to your needs, but it might suggest some ideas. 8-)
Thanks! It's not that much of a technical hurdle rather than manpower issue.
by zajoman
Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:27 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

Does the Unity license limit or prohibit making a product that makes other products? (IE. a game editor) *I have the same question myself with Gamemaker; wondering if making a game editor for user made distributable mod maps is against their license. No, the thing is we would have to somehow allow ...
by zajoman
Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:53 am
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

Bought the game, and loving it so far 8-) Please consider releasing the editor. It can prolong the game's lifespan as you've seen with the Grimrock games. Thank you for the support! Editor is a tough thing. We know you guys love to mod games, but because we use Unity, it's not as straightforward to...
by zajoman
Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:24 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

Good work! The game looks smooth with a strong steampunk feel. Obviously, you have been influenced by the Legend of Grimrock games, which is a good thing. All you need now (besides people purchasing it) is a dungeon editor :) I think I'll get it once I've finished my mod. Anyway, good luck with the...
by zajoman
Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:06 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

andyroosta wrote:Out today...looks very promising.
Indeed! It's gonna come out today at 10am PT / 7pm CEST for 17.99 (10% launch discount).

Thanks, man!
by zajoman
Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:07 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

any news ? Can't see anything new on the internet Hey Faerghail! Thank you for your interest! We're actually very close to release. Right now, we're in the playtesting & bugfixing phase. The game is basically 99% done, but we are taking all this time to make sure the game is as stable and polis...
by zajoman
Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:28 am
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

It's your baby, you've worked on it, and you know better than most what plays best in it; no argument there... I was just hoping this was an optional padding that could be disabled. It's a core mechanic and we never envisioned it to be optional, so no, at this point, it can't be toggled on/off. But...
by zajoman
Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:29 am
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!
Replies: 28
Views: 40886

Re: Vaporum - Steampunk Dungeon Crawler on Greenlight!

@zajoman The basic premise is that whenever your success check fails, the chance for the next check increases, and this goes on and on until it succeeds. Jeez I hope that's optional... It goes against the very notion of random; and would seem to make it more predictable as well. Success should neve...