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by petri
Tue Jan 05, 2021 9:13 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [uMod] Gem Sockets on Melee Weapon
Replies: 7
Views: 13153

Re: [uMod] Gem Sockets on Melee Weapon

Much respect to you. Did you play other mods for your game? I only know "The Guardians" which is professional quality (no bad textures, careful balance, and elements original LoG sadly lacked like trading and home base). What big game do Almost Human plans to do? I haven't played many mod...
by petri
Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:23 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

Yes, main campaign saves could be made compatible (because I know exactly what Lua code in savegames needs to be patched) but all mod saves would break. If we update 64-bit LOG2 to Steam, that would be automatic update for everybody and could make some people very unhappy if they're in the middle of...
by petri
Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:08 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

Well, there's a third option: redo register allocations for all bytecode instructions. That requires quite a bit of data flow analysis. This would be the ideal solution, but I'm going to pass on that as this "christmas project" has already got well out of hand. :D
by petri
Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:01 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [uMod] Gem Sockets on Melee Weapon
Replies: 7
Views: 13153

Re: [uMod] Gem Sockets on Melee Weapon

Amazing! A very good demo of what can be done with umods. Thanks for making this! :D
by petri
Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:59 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

Damn, bytecode patching is a dead-end. As usually the devil is in the details... More specifically in multiple return values in this case. I managed to get simple cases working, but calls that pass around multiple return values are basically impossible to handle with this approach. The problem is th...
by petri
Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:13 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

About the bytecode patcher, if you're interested... It's mostly simple as the opcodes are mostly same in the old and new versions. There's just a few new opcodes that have been added in the middle of the opcode list, so basically I just need to remap the opcodes. BUT, there's one nasty detail. In th...
by petri
Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:41 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

Yeah, I've went through many variants of similar ideas but help is welcome! Isle of Nex is easy. I don't even need to parse anything, because I could just compute the hash of bytecode at loadtime and lookup new bytecode from a library of precompiled 64-bit bytecode chunks. Savegame compatibility wit...
by petri
Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:37 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

Re: 64-bit version of LOG2

Damn, I forgot an obvious thing: loading scripts has side-effects, so this won't work. Back to square 1...
by petri
Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:03 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: 64-bit version of LOG2
Replies: 15
Views: 28866

64-bit version of LOG2

Happy 2021 everyone! As you may know I've been working on a 64-bit version of LOG2 recently. For a while I thought I had hit a dead-end, because the 64-bit version of Lua bytecode is not compatible with the 32-bit version. Savegames contain bytecode, which would break compatibility between the 32-bi...
by petri
Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:24 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: UModManager 0.1.0
Replies: 5
Views: 12726

Re: UModManager 0.1.0

Cool! I was hoping somebody would make this to save me a lot of work. :) Thank you for making this!