Why is it unfortunate? For the player, all gold keys are identical. It seems to me that having numbered keys for numbered locks provides more control over the player's progress. For example, they couldn't open a door too soon (if you didn't want them to, because that door should be opened by gettin...
Why is it unfortunate? For the player, all gold keys are identical. It seems to me that having numbered keys for numbered locks provides more control over the player's progress. For example, they couldn't open a door too soon (if you didn't want them to, because that door should be opened by gettin...
Why is it unfortunate? For the player, all gold keys are identical. It seems to me that having numbered keys for numbered locks provides more control over the player's progress. For example, they couldn't open a door too soon (if you didn't want them to, because that door should be opened by gettin...
Hi all. I'm having a wee problem creating an unlockable door, and I don't know where I'm going wrong. I've got this: a) gold key 1, gold lock, wooden door 1. Lock positioned next to door. b) gold lock has Target wooden door 1 (Action open), and is opened by gold key 1. gold lock is then connected to...
Well I'm screwed with it. My guys levelled once already, except my mage, who hasn't been able to cast anything yet! I put four points into his 'general magic ability' at character gen, but can't get him to successfully cast anything. Anyone know a very basic spell he can practise? Edit: Ok, he just ...
Well, it's a mixed blessing for me. I was going by that other countdown clock, and had planned around 13.00 for it. BUT, now I have to wait until 19.00, which means I can actually do some work. The same work, in fact, that I was planning to totally blow-off in order to hit Grimrock a.s.a.p.